About Chris Guerriero
Chris Guerriero is a serial entrepreneur, investor, and board member to companies that drive the American economy forward. With over 30 years in the trenches of business growth, he has grown a personal portfolio of over a dozen companies and holds equity in multiple 7, 8, and 9-figure brands.
For his industry-growth contributions, including his substantial advisory work with small to mid-size companies, Chris has been recognized by Bloomberg, Success Magazine, Inc., and Entrepreneur. Through his advisory firm, called Club 28, Chris works directly with founders and CEOs to build highly profitable businesses while helping them stay grounded, focused, and sane amid rapid growth.
With a firm belief that the world needs more entrepreneurs… more people willing to fight and grow a brand that grows the economy, Chris hosts the Success Explained podcast, where he unravels the exact strategies his companies use to scale fast and outperform competitors.
Entrepreneurs just starting out can fast-track their growth using the Success Explained podcast, while those with established brands looking to scale faster and more predictably should turn to Club 28 or The Next Level for direct guidance from Chris.

If you’ve been in business for more than a year and you haven’t surpassed the $2MM mark, or if you’ve been in business for more than five years without 10x’ing that… and built a team of smart people who are DRIVING YOUR GROWTH, then you need to be in Club 28...

Spend a half-day meeting 1-on-1 with me in my boardroom, mono-focused on scaling your business. Going through every aspect that triggers greater scale, more profit, and more organization...