Get Better Results From EVERY Meeting
Are you making the most of your time in every meeting you attend?
As an entrepreneur, meetings are essential to keeping your team focused on the right targets, but they’re also great opportunities for you to learn.
In this episode, Chris shares the exercise you need to do before every single meeting in your life if you want to get the most out of them.
You’ll hear how to develop a game plan, not just for meetings, but also any seminars and conferences you attend.
Stop going into these conversations blind and take this advice to get better results from your personal and professional interactions.
Go in with a pre-written game plan and you’ll exceed your expectations in revenue and in profit and in connections.
In this Episode:
- The exercise that helped Chris accomplish more in the last decade than most people accomplish in a lifetime
- Questions you need to answer before every meeting
- Do you need an agenda for personal meetings and quick phone calls?
- It’s not just meetings that you need to prepare for. Hear what you need to do before seminars and conferences to get the most out of your time there
- Why you need a pre-written game plan, regardless of your role in your next meeting
Find out exactly what aspect of your company is the current weak link that, if fixed, will help you scale faster and more successfully.
Enjoy the show? Check out the most popular episodes of Built to Grow!
- How to Start and Grow Your First 8 Figure Company
- How to Stay Focused on What Really Drives Growth
- Avoid These Culture Killers
It doesn’t matter what kind of meeting you’re going to, or if you’re hosting it or not, or if you’re going to a seminar or a conference. If you do this one thing, which takes maybe five minutes, you’ll get at least 10 times the value from the meeting.
Pick One Question
Years ago when I was just getting started in business, I had a mentor who would ask me to send him one question in advance of any meeting that I had with him. Even if I had 20 questions, I had to pick one that would make the biggest impact on my life if I just got that one question answered.
So I’d be forced to write out all my questions and rank them in order of importance to my life at the time and then come up with one so that if I only had a few minutes with him, I got that one question answered, and if I did, I’d still get a lot of value from our time. Because success is all about those golden nuggets that you discover while you’re learning. It’s not always the lesson being taught that you learn from, but more often, it’s what you discover while you’re learning that lesson.
That exercise helped me to accomplish so much more in the last decade than most people accomplish in a lifetime. And here’s exactly how you could duplicate it.
Write Down the Key Values You Want to Take Away
Before every meeting, take five minutes, maybe, maybe four or five, six minutes, and write down the key values that you want to walk away from that meeting with. What do you want the person or the people in that meeting to focus on after they leave? The kind of information you want them to get out of it? What actions need to take place immediately after you wrap up that meeting?
Now in my team meetings, everyone gets an agenda that has all that stuff detailed so that everybody comes prepared and aligned on the same target. But most of our day to day meetings do not include an agenda, like meetings with our family or with a vendor or a quick call with a business partner or anything else.
But it’s vital that before every meeting, take a moment in detail what you want from that meeting,
Ask Game-Changing Questions
But it’s bigger than just meetings. I’m always blown away by people who attend seminars or conferences without knowing what they want to get from their time there, because any event that you go to, you need a list of everyone who’s going to be there. You need to learn a little bit about each person. You need to make a list of what you want to get out of your time from that event and a list of the people who are there, who you commit to spending time with while you’re there.
Now, I keynoted an event just this past weekend and I had people come up to me to shake my hand. But I also had people come up to me with one or two great questions that I know they probably took back to their business and they’re now already growing.
Both of those interactions took the same amount of time. But one came prepared to ask me a game-changing question and one came to get a handshake and a picture.
Prepare a Pre-written Game Plan
Listen, I love taking pictures but what would be better for you? A picture that you’re probably never going to look at again? Or a personal tip about how to overcome a big obstacle in your business? In fact, if you had just the ability to ask me one question, what would that be?
Now go to and ask me that question because we get questions there every single day. That’s one of the places that I go to figure out what kind of content to deliver. And before your next meeting, take a few moments and detail exactly what you want the people in that meeting to focus on after they leave. What information you want to get out of it and what actions need to take place immediately after that meeting.
Go in with a pre-written game plan and you’ll exceed your expectations in revenue and in profit and in connections.

Chris is an entrepreneur, investor, bestselling author, and advisor to a handful of high growth companies.
He has built four 8-figure companies, developed winning leadership teams in six industries, and designed business systems that predictably grow multi-million dollar brands.
He’s been featured in financial periodicals such as: Success, Inc, Bloomberg TV, and in Entrepreneur as a top entrepreneurs of the time.
In addition to his own companies, Chris is also an advisor, investor and equity holder in companies across a variety of industries, including health, medical, digital advertising, legal and real estate.