Internet Marketing
In today's world of connected customers, some degree of Internet Marketing is essential for all businesses to grow, no matter what your industry or who your target audience is.
To accomplish this, internet marketing needs to be thought about in SYSTEMS, as opposed to the traditional and out-of-date thinking which is based on SEO, SEM, PPC, Link Building, etc, etc, etc.
Systems should be developed for every aspect which effects your company's online brand. Those systems should be built as instructions for others to carry out. Your goal is to be able to hand each system to one or more employees or vendors to manage for the benefit of your growth.
Our team of experts writes custom, detailed, proven system for each of our clients in the full business growth program.
Here's an example of a System, ie: Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)…
Specifically, this SOP was designed to hand to a webmaster or IT manager so they could
update a company website so the website uses the latest rules and formulas that search
engines look for…
To bring old websites up-to-date; to organize websites using current tools; and to remove all conflicting, out-of-date, or counterproductive code, text and/or technology.
Step 1: Backup
- Backup the current website, placing a full backup onto the storage server in a folder labeled
“{website URL} backup (todays date}”. Do not make any changes to this copy once it’s on the storage server.
Step 2: Focus
- Determine the top 3 keywords the site should rank for.
- These are the top 3 keywords or keyword-strings your target audience would type into a search engine when looking for a product/service like yours.
Step 3: Remove
- Locate all duplicate pages.
- Keep the newest version on the website.
- Delete duplicate versions of pages.
- When deletion is not an option, change all ‘duplicate versions’ of that page to a redirect, aiming at the newest version of that page.
- Use conical links when necessary.
Step 4: Use Google Guidelines
- Use Google Webmaster Tools, plus the following…
- Use to confirm that ALL content is unique content that cannot be found on another site.
- Each site must contain a minimum of 20 articles (see Adding Content Pages below)
- All articles must provide substantial/valuable/relevant information
- All articles must follow the Adding Content Pages guidelines (see below)
- On the landing page, put:
- The logo
- Tag line (what the company does)
- Opt in box
- Testimonial
- Company information
- Company name
- Address
- Support email
- Phone number (when supplied)
- Copyright information
- All legal links
- Link to customer service page
- On the bottom of all inner pages, put:
- What the company does
- Contact information
- Opt in box
- Legal Links (privacy policy, terms, etc)
- A link for people to opt out of our newsletter
- Link to ‘Articles’ page
- Put the website logo on the top left of all pages
- Put navigation tabs on the top, and navigation links at the bottom of each page.
- All pages must load quickly (test pages on a 3rd party site like:
- All content pages should include RSS, and Google +1 tools when appropriate
- On all sales pages
- Confirm that there is a picture of the product for sale on that page.
- Put the price of the product right on the order button.
- Offer 3 payment option
- Use SSL, and trust seals whenever possible
- Don’t use pop ups, exit pops or exit redirects
- Pages should include Anchor Text
- All pages need to be W3C validated
- All pages need analytics on them (such as google analytics)
- All sites need a video page with at least 16 google videos on it, all videos must be related to the keywords which the site is optimized for.
- After any page is added it should be pinged (using a service like:
- After any major revision, the site needs to be submitted to google
Adding Content Pages
- Naming the new page. Put an underscore between words in the url. Each page name should contain a keyword phase from the supplied list. For example: One article might be called “9 Tips To Have More Energy”. Our page name might then become: have_more_energy.
- Put the name of the article in the <TITLE> tag
- Update the meta name description to include the name of the article.
- Update Meta-keywords to include the keywords in the article name, plus think of two additional keywords related to the article to add to this line.
- Make sure the keyword phrase is used properly 3-4 times throughout the body of the article.
- When the page is done make sure you add a link to it from the main article page.
- Make sure every page has a unique HTML title, meta description, and keywords.
- All content pages need 1-2 images, which have the keyword phrase in the image alt tags
- On all content pages, 2-3 keywords used in the copy need to hyperlinked to other pages on the website which include those keywords in the file name.

Chris is an entrepreneur, investor, bestselling author, and advisor to a handful of high growth companies.
He has built four 8-figure companies, developed winning leadership teams in six industries, and designed business systems that predictably grow multi-million dollar brands.
He’s been featured in financial periodicals such as: Success, Inc, Bloomberg TV, and in Entrepreneur as a top entrepreneurs of the time.
In addition to his own companies, Chris is also an advisor, investor and equity holder in companies across a variety of industries, including health, medical, digital advertising, legal and real estate.